Sunday, March 29, 2020

this is me

This is me dusting off my blog, because I feel the need to whine and rage and be happy, sometimes all in the same 5 minutes in semi private...  semi....  I do understand how this works.

This is me today:

I have a continuing minor headache because I am clenching my jaw...  please dont tell me to get a mouthguard because no.

It is cold and rainy and might be snowy soon, and I really just want to go outside

I have the attention span of an actual gnat these days, and today my job is to clean up my house.  I haven't had such a weird bunch of junk laying around in forever- and that is because of the afore mentioned attention span.

I was laid off from my freelancing job at the newspaper.   so it wasn't really a job, but I won't get paid anymore...  not that was the reason I was doing it.  And as a result my mind has shut down that part of me, and I have no idea why.  Because I would do it anyway.  and will if I am asked.

Speaking of quarantine, which I never want to but....  the term someone came up with for nitwits who dont pay attention to the guidelines- covidiots   that is all I need to say about that.  a useful term. you're welcome (and thanks to you for the meme- you know who you are ;) )

And I am back to the headache.  Bear in mind, once I get up and get going, I will feel more like myself.

HOWEVER, I have been doing a sketchbook challenge with some friends and I hope you can go to facebook and join.  if not that is ok, go and see what people did.  it is fun.  if you dont have facebook, if you have Instagram I am planning to post my drawings there, but that is where that gnat thing is causing me problems.

That is all for now.

I'm betting I will be back.

joy?  I need it