Happy Father's Day to everyone!
We have another father that has joined the ranks in my family so I have decided to do a multi generational posting! All sorts of dads and granddads are involved here!! Many of these pictures are photos of pictures, so forgive the gnarly shots!
My own dad pretty much looked like this most nights when he came home for supper. He may look cranky, but I think mostly he was tired. Being a farmer was not an easy thing. He worked for another farmer, but owned some of the equipment and was the mechanic and ran the major equipment. His ability to plant straight rows was somewhat amazing and he spent a lot of time involved in the process of growing plants- most specifically corn. And his days were long and dirty.
When he was home, he was making sure the farm was in good repair, the garden weeded, the lawn mowed and we were volunteered for a lot of it. Either by actually doing the weeding and mowing or by being a helper. It wasn't until evening when he would sit down and relax. Sundays we would often go visit relatives for the day, so he wasn't working every minute... and then there was summers at Grandma and Grandpas place-
Home for supper |
Could be a bit of a clown |
Dad and I- about my first birthday |
My Grandpa Kutz died when I was very young, but my Grandpa Oberley was an important part of our lives. We went up to visit Grandma and Grandpa for at least a week every summer- they lived in northern Minnesota- Walker to be exact. They lived across the street from a lake and we loved it there. He was such a fun Grandpa, he'd take us fishing, for rootbeer, we'd go camping (even if we didn't want to) and we always had a good time. We'd get to ride in his truck sometimes and we later on slept in their little camper. They also came and stayed with us when we were older when Grandpa would drive one of the grain trucks for the farmer dad worked with. He was a kind and funny man who was a mechanical whiz. Dad and he got along famously and dad actually relaxed at Grandma and Grandpas.
Little Debi with Grandpa Oberley |
My boys spent a lot of time with their dad growing up. I got my respite from being a stay at home mom (until Mike was in 5th grade) by Fred taking the kids on the weekends and actually at times during the weeknights. Except during tax season, of course, then, no one spent time with Fred. Lol
Their tradition was on Saturday morning to load up the truck and stop at the transfer station (the dump) and then head on over to see Grandma Oswald. And Grandpa when he was alive of course. That tradition continues yet today, and before the boys had kids of their own, they would occasionally go along on the same trip on Saturdays when they were visiting.
You'll notice that his wardrobe hasn't changed a whole lot since the 80's, except that ubiquitous mustache has come and gone!
Load em up and move em out! |
As Fathers go, Fred was/is a good one. He was patient, much of the time, and tried to let them learn by doing and by observation. They spent a lot of quality time with piles of wood, and learning how to build things from the various projects, always done by hand. He didn't spend a lot of time with them as super little ones, he called that the houseplant stage! But they all did a lot of things together. I did too, but it was nice to have time to myself.
Napping with Jon |
With Greg |
With Mikey |
My boys were fortunate enough to have 2 grandpas for a while and a great grandpa to get to know!
Jon with Grandpa Owald- cookie anyone? |
Greg with Grandpa Oswald |
Greg passed out by Grandpa Kutz |
Jon and Greg with Grandpa Kutz |
Jon and Greg with Grandpa Oberley |
Unfortunately, Mike was little when Grandpa Oswald and Great Grandpa Oberley died and when my dad was most active so there aren't as many pix of him with them.
Mikey with his dad |
At Copper Falls with Mike |
Learning to ride the bike! |
Mike helping to open Christmas presents! |
Finally, the boys are turning into dads themselves! The process continues and the story changes. It is fun to see them with their children and how exciting it is and noticing what their strengths and challenges are.
Jon and Ella |
Dads turn into Grandpas |
Grandpas can hold those babies for hours without a complaint |
Greggy knows the sound of his momma and daddy's voice |
I love this pic of Greg and little Greg |
This is the only pic I could find of Fred holding Greggy- I have to get more! |
Everybody's story is a little different and it is good to talk about them. Sometimes things come up that no one has thought of in a while, and pictures are frequently good catalysts for memories. This is the way our story reads in 2014 and it is a joyful one indeed.