And now it was time to climb a mountain- sort of- because there was snow and really it was cold up there and there is that altitude thing going on..... and the paths were covered up with said snow and so we just hiked around a bit. And it was great.
I believe we got farther than this- off to that clump of trees to the right |
To the Mountain!!
Look Mom, we got this close |
I loved the drive up the mountain- it was so exciting to see the changes as the altitude increased. We went to
the hotel where parts of The Shining was filmed apparently. I try not to scare the bejeezus out of myself with regularity (which is why I have only been watching "Stranger Things" in the daytime- don't judge me) so I have not actually seen said movie.
Well isn't this a crappy phone camera picture |
Our plan was to have lunch at the Timberline Lodge after hiking around, but we opted out of that and had lunch at
a cute little place that was down the mountain a ways in Government Camp.... Adorable and yummy and we ate outside in the sun and it was cold and warm at the same time.
I had a BUNCH of unedited photos from Portland!! |
It was just breathtaking |
It has been a number of months since I have been there, so as that goes, you forget things. The terrain was rocky where we were (um, and snowy as I said) but really not hard to walk on. I had a ton of folks giving me ideas where to go to find the most amazing pictures, but that wasn't exactly the intent of the trip. I took my camera along and all, but it wasn't the sole purpose. I loved sitting on the porch behind the hotel and watching the spring skiers and people who had hiked up to the summit earlier that day return. Or maybe they stayed over night, I don't really know. Trying to absorb the moments and have them stay with you is hard when you travel, but sitting down and watching everything is the way to go occasionally.
This is where I could have used a different lens.... |
scenic overlook! |
After the mountain experience, I believe we went to see a few more waterfalls and then headed over to
Hood River. Of course it was specifically to have
sushi! Because- SUSHI!!! (vegetarian of course) And then we found other ways to amuse ourselves as well. In Hood River there is a place where the winds come from the west and the Columbia River flows towards the west and the result is a place where people are able to easily do all sorts of wind driven water sports, like sailing and I am going to say para-sailing, but I think it is called something else. There is a gorgeous park there and it was fascinating to watch. Of course the
Gelato that we had while watching didn't hurt the ambiance!
SUSHI Asparagus roll! In other news, I always eat my sushi with chopsticks now! The Mad-BFF will be proud! |
Wind surfing in the Columbia River |
Gelato, baby!! |
Wednesday was the last day we spent in Portland, Thursday was travel day to the Pacific Ocean and we stayed in a cool little place called Rockaway Beach.... More on that to come.
So as I kick back in my mind to that lovely rest we took staring at the mountain, a little chilly and a little tired- I prepare to edit my Pacific Ocean photos.... because I apparently did not earlier in the summer. Silly girl.
Just another way to experience the joys of my summer travels
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