Thursday, April 2, 2020

well then

Well this was a day-

I am sorry for the pity party guys, but I am struggling here.

I have been upbeat for the people who need it, supportive for those who need me, morally outraged for others and always here to give virtual hugs as needed because thats who I am.

But I spent a hell of a lot of time crying this afternoon.  My first major breakdown.  for no real reason other than knowing that I am needing human contact.  I struggle to even write this down because frankly I am sick of crying.  A few people were kind enough to check on me today, but they can't help if you don't feel like you can let them down by not being ok.  One person knows....  thank heaven I could tell them.  It helped.

I wish people would stop posting who died- how many cases- that you can catch it by looking at someone sideways...  there has to be something else you can focus on.  If nothing else, post a landscape of somewhere you have been.  Or something to make others laugh.  I know that not everyone gets anxious over things like this but there are a lot of us who do....

So I'm not going to bother posting this to facebook because frankly I don't need someone telling me I am wrong-


So I had some super good Moscato that made me feel marginally better but mostly I need to go to bed.

The sketchbook challenge continues, with some drop off of participation but us original 5-6 are still at it. :)

Anyway, tomorrow has to be better- has to be.

Or the wine will be out earlier in the day lol  good thing the liquor departments aren't close at the grocery stores here  ha

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