Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A positive note

 Ok, so I feel kind of horrible about complaining since I restarted this blog, so here are a few positives - because really, that is not how I generally operate.

I made and have eaten chocolate cake!  YES!

I have seen my mad-ex-science teacher friend for a few minutes, so that was wonderful, and tomorrow I am taking Lola's (the food truck Lola, not the statue) to my birthday-girl friend's place.  I get to have an outing!  That doesn't involve being nagged at by dental professionals.  

The sun has been out lately and conversely its snowed a little, so I will be snowshoeing in a day or two. 

Daffodils, not in season, grace my kitchen and they make me so happy.

I am still loving my refreshed bedroom and from 4 years ago, my kitchen remodel.  I appreciate the hard work we did after all these years of living in kinda ugly.

I am SO grateful none of my closest friends or family have gotten the 'rona and neither have I.  The one or two of my next circle out have gotten it and recovered.  This is so good. The MA will get his vaccine soon I think, and I will as soon as I can.  All these things are superb.  And I will never talk politics, but thank god that nightmare is over.

I am enjoying my new workout schedule, peloton is fun- and I am really looking forward to getting the bike.  and I am enjoying the benefits of the activities  and I remember how much I enjoy lifting weights.  I have no idea why, but I do love it.

This is the best I can do tonight, as I am getting a little tired... that is what happens when one gets up- unfathomably at 5-5:30 am.  It is the best time of the day.

Make this week the best you can- there is always something good in - just little conversations or text messages can make your day complete.

Rock on good people!  And be nice. 

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