Saturday, March 13, 2021

Well that didnt last too long...

 Hey there again- 

I am glad to say that my instinct to go for a walk was the right thing to do.  I felt like I was walking through mud my legs felt so heavy, but at least being in the sun was helpful.

Speaking of sun, the snow is nicely receding and while the yard is still full of snow, the field around the house is becoming devoid of said nasty white stuff.  This is indeed a wonderful thing.  Got some sunny coming yet again tomorrow before few cloudy days.  It gets above freezing for the day but below for the night, which will translate to some good maple syrup production this year I am thinking.  I hope to get to Jane and Rogers place this coming week to do my yearly tradition of helping gather a little sap.  Or at least accompanying Jane on her rounds.

Tomorrow I get the pleasure of going to help the mad-plant lady (formerly the mad-science teacher) transplant baby plants.  I am indeed looking forward to this.  Especially since rumor has it there might be cake involved and I can get behind that! And I really need to spend time with people.  People who talk to me.....  to say I am delighted is an understatement.

Tomorrow also is a total day off of any exercise because, you guys, my god, my body hurts.  I don't remember what I said a few hours ago, but I was able to easily do decent squats during my peloton legs and glute workout yesterday and that turned out to be quite unpleasant today.  I thought that riding the bike would help work that soreness out, but I thought wrong.  Hence the walking through mud feeling this afternoon.  I can also feel distinct tightness in my shoulders and back, so I did get a good workout....  I just have to keep a lid on that over-enthusiastic rediscovery of abilities.

Having the strength training really was a great start - I am glad I had those weeks of training before the bike came.  But I **think** that the bike itself has done wonders for my knees.  Time will tell.  Meanwhile this is freaking awesome to standup with out swearing inside my head. Lol

I am so sleepy right now I think I am babbling.  So I guess I will go join the MA and not watch whatever stupid western or world war 2 tv show he has on....  goodness.  I will read or play a game of candy crush or most likely- both.

Thanks for reading!  And I am very grateful to be back to my normal happy-ish self.  

Mind shifting

 The day started off just fine, I was a little stiff from the exercise I did yesterday.  Coffee tasted pretty good, I got on the Peloton (which I named, but I don't remember what it was), expected a friend to be on with me but was not- but that is ok.  No biggie.  I did well on that and then rested because I was tired!

Lunch, the MA wasn't annoying or anything, and I had something left from yesterday for myself.  So far so good.  But, under it all I was a little off, and unfortunately it doesnt take much to push me over that line.  I am fine, don't get me wrong, but I am feeling the effects of giving out too much again.  This is what I do.  I am my friends best cheerleader, counselor, sounding board.  And I like the give and take of that.  Lately I have been doing a lot of giving.  And it caught up with me.  

I found myself again repeating the same sort of advice (for lack of a better term, more like pep talk) which was promptly ignored and it made me exasperated.  With everyone everywhere.  

I could feel my mood plummet and the tears rose.  So I need to just get out of the house I think.  It is nice out, so I guess I will take a walk.  Still alone.  I have had my second vaccine and I can actually go where I want again.  But that hasn't registered at all yet.  Thanks a lot Covid for stealing my joy, you jerk.

Anyway, there is no solution or brushing this away.  It just will take time.  I'm hoping the sun will help too.  I keep thinking today is Sunday, but indeed it is not.  And tonight is sucky daylight savings time.  I think that should go away.  

But positives:  I got my second vaccine, it is sunny and not snowing, I have a lot of people who care.  I have amazing children and grandchildren, and I did get to retire at the exact right time it seems.  But being home alone all the freaking time is not good.  at all.  the end.  

So I am going to go outside and hope my brain finds its way back to perfectly fine like it was only an hour ago.  I need summer and people and travel.  not necessarily in that order. 

Have a good weekend.  to the 3 people who read this when I don't post it on Facebook.  lol. you all are awesome. mwah.