Let me say that Day 7 was the best of the best so far this month. It was AWESOME, as I reached my first weight loss goal of 32 pounds on that day. Quite unexpectedly, but it was welcome. I have some wonderful, wonderful friends on the Loseit site, we had quite the celebration!
The next great thing was the shopping trip I went on and was pleasantly surprised to find that I am down not 2, but 3 clothing sizes in some things!! I have not worn a size 12, ever, I think.
I have been working at this first goal since December. I had the Loseit app for my iPhone for over a year. It works great and all, but I discovered I needed a little more and knew that this app had launched a website. So I went there, visited, joined and that made all the difference in the world. The support you get from your friends is phenomenal. Now on to the next goal!
Day 7 was awesome!!
Day 8 was terrific, too, but differently.
My nice thing for myself was visiting some friends and working on my metal hand sculpture. I have been feeling slightly friend deprived (in my Wisconsin-life) and I needed to touch base with people. Went to visit my dear friend Luann and then hung out with another dear friend Cat. So wonderful to reconnect. In between was a lovely lunch with the Mad- Accountant.... way better than cooking!
Speaking of reconnecting, my lovely pal Annette and I are making bad girl plans!! hehehe, I'll get back to you on this one!
Day 9 involved photos again!! w00t!! I am having a good time with them, and I had help making the decision on which photo processing program to buy. Whew, it was an agonizing decision, but I'm going to buy and install it - maybe tomorrow!! Yay. Now I just have to decide on which HRM I am going to get and it will be all good.
I got a lot of gardening done today and made some wonderful, fresh meals.
Ordinarily during this time of the year I would be making cold salads for lunches and suppers- involving things like pasta, potatoes and mayo- but since I know that there are better choices to be made, I have changed my menu.
Today, I bought some more fresh fruit and made up a lovely mixed fruit bowl. It was so pretty I decided to photograph it! I also delved into the garden and found enough goodies out there to make an awesome salad for supper. Paired with some grilled portobellos and a spicy black bean burger for me and a regular burger for the Mad Accountant, and you have a great healthy supper. All I added to the salad that wasn't from the garden were the cherry tomatoes. Still waiting for those to arrive!

This is sooo good- melon, strawberries, grapes, sweet cherries, nectarines and a little fresh grown spearmint.
Found in the garden: oak leaf lettuce, pea pods, mini Chiogga beets, kale, dill, basil and I added some cherry tomatoes later. I used balsamic vinegar as a dressing.
And then we went and had ice cream at the Ice Cream place in Butternut! Lol! And I have some room to spare yet.
Until next time, find your joy in every day things! And don't forget to count your blessings.
Nice description of your ongoing birthday month celebration, Debi. And what a great meal. (The MA wouldn't go for a spicy black bean burger? He doesn't know what he's missing.) Thanks for sharing!