Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday photos - 7/24/2011

Another sunrise

Wow, I have so many pictures to share, I am not sure where to start!  I think I have to break these up into a few posts.  I got so much good stuff today alone, I think I have to do today separately!  That is pretty cool.  And speaking of cool, I am a little chilled here tonight and boy is that a great feeling.  For any of you who are suffering in heat and humidity, I am so sorry!  

HEY!  Did you know that if you click on any of these pictures, it will enlarge them to full size??  Imagine that!  I learned something new today totally by accident!  




globe thistle

Day lily, Chicago Candy

foggy haystacks

Moody trees

Successful harvest


Cool clouds from last week taken with the point and shoot camera

Park Falls watertower

Gorgeousness in the sky

And the next morning!

Sandhill cranes

Wave watching

Lift bridge

Not picnic friendly weather

Chairs overlooking the lake

Hope you enjoy this birthday week installment of Sunday photos.  More to come tomorrow!
Until then, be a joy giver!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the lift bridge is SO interesting, almost likea metal sculpture, itself!
