Sunday, August 21, 2011

Last little trip- gone south!

I left last Monday morning to do a little trip to Janesville.  It was a multiple purpose trip, to do some visiting, to do some sight-seeing, to take photos and to go clothes shopping.

Let's start with MONDAY-

Monday involved an uneventful trip to Jon and Sarah's house in Janesville.  I got there with a few hours to go before the kids got home from work and then we packed our cameras and headed up to Madison.

Sarah's grandparents have an adorable little cottage on Lake Mendota- and an awesome little pontoon to celebrate that lake!  They were gracious enough to allow Jon and Sarah to take me on a little cruise around the the city, and it was wonderful.  I love love love boats and this trip was no disappointment.  It was the absolute perfect day to go for a ride, there were few boaters, the water was calm and the temperature and wind was a delightful combination of awesome.  Not too hot or cold, not too windy.  Amazing.  We planned to go out  and see the sunset at the end of the tour, so went clockwise around the lake....  but we went a little too fast or in some way figured wrong, and we got back with an hour to spare before sundown!  So with some fast thinking and a quick check on the internet, we went for some burritos and brought them back to the pontoon and proceeded to watch the sun go down over the lake whilst eating Qdoba on the boat.  Can a Monday night get any better than that??  I think not!

How cute is this cabin??

This has to be the pinkest bathroom ever!  I love it!!

This is the life, darling!

Captain Jon!!
A nautical Cleopatra!

I know I can get this thing running!
Perfectly lovely!

Some cool buildings!
Just as you leave the inlet where the pontoon is, looking at the lake

One of the locals

Our beautiful capitol building seen from the water
Wisconsin Capitol building

Row boats for rent

Sail boats ashore

Beautiful night to be on the water

Perfect sunset!

What a great way to spend an evening!
Jonny driving back to the cottage
That was the best night!  No problem finding joy on that trip.

Until next time, be a joy giver--


  1. Great pics, sounds like a great trip! Love the "perfect sunset" shot, exquisite. Watch out for the 470s (sailboats). You definitely get wet on them. Thanks for sharing two new perspectives of our capitol! My most recent shots of it can be found here:

  2. What a great trip! The lake pic of the capitol building...beautiful. Spectacular sunset for sure. Thanks for sharing the joy.

  3. I'm jealous ~ I love pontooning! Great pics once again.
