A fitting end to the Memorial Day weekend is to visit the grave sites of our loved ones. I am rarely able to visit my own family's sites, but do a lot of thinking while at the 2 cemeteries up here. Fred and I always get to both the Park Falls and Butternut cemeteries- for the Oswald and the Bruch family burial sites. Hard to imagine that Grandpa Oswald has been gone for 20 years. My own dad died, what, 8 years ago?? I can hardly believe it.
The hard one to see this year is Aunt Doris- even though it has been over a year, she was part of my day to day life. Though I miss my dad, the truth is that I only saw him a few times a year. His death affected me deeply, but it comes at irregular and frequently surprising times. Aunt Doris was someone I saw certainly weekly and sometimes- daily. I remember Doris every time I drive by the house she shared with her son, every time I visit the library. Every time I see her Bobby. I treasure her spirit, her intelligence, her humor, her ability to converse for hours- and her love for me.
I hope your Memorial Day was filled with the joys of having friends and family near you, and also with the poignant memory of the people you loved the most.
Clouds- Nola Cemetery |
Flags for vets in the old part of the cemetery- Park Falls |
Guardian tree |
St. Cecelia Cemetery- Butternut |
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