But no..... we apparently don't- two supposedly intelligent, educated people...
Sea Caves- People I walked over there 6 months ago.... |
It's not serious, but let me digress.
Don't worry- I did! |
I have been on a hiking kick lately. A couple weeks ago, I went on an apple run to Bayfield and I REALLY wanted to stop at St. Peter's Dome and take some fall pictures. I had heard about this place a few years ago, and now finally I got the opportunity to see it. Only issue was-- it was 80 degrees that day! It was freaking HOT for September. But the leaves were perfect. I can't even show you any pix of myself because I took no selfies that are suitable for viewing. I was red and sweaty and very much spent. It was lovely with color, but that hike up the dome- holy smokers. It was a couple miles of uneven terrain, roots and streams and stones and a lot of climbing! And then it opens up into a terrifying, though glorious. view of the northern half of Ashland county, and if you use your imagination- you can see Lake Superior! :) I spent some time clinging to the trees and the edge of this overlook- ugh- it gives me anxiety to think about it. THANK heaven we had the presence of mind to take water with us.
My hiking buddy and partner in crime is the Mad English Teacher who enjoys a bit of adventure and Bayfield, just like me. Our other partner in these journeys- the Mad-Science teacher, Laurie was occupied with company both days. Bummer!!! We missed her!
NOT an easy trail |
While we had had a great breakfast that day (A frittata at Coco's?? Why yes I think I will!) but by the time we got through our final jaunt on the ferry **sniffle** and our standing on the dock staring at the water and me getting coffee and all the other things that go with these trips, we were wishing that we had had a little more to eat. That is one tiring walk.
AND this is why I wanted to go there- Beauty! |
Let me quickly interject here the CRAZY foot wear I saw people in for hiking up this thing! FLIP FLOPS are NOT for hiking!! Goodness. I also saw one group in bare feet- we discussed the possibility of whether they had "interesting refreshments" shall we say..... you can imagine whatever you want in that particular statement.
Part of the trail |
Not part of the trail, but those roots continued through the trail |
The creek that flows from Morgan Falls |
More of the view! |
Morgan Falls- the Morgan Falls route at this particular place is pretty easy and fun. It is not very far and is really an awesome thing to see. It's like a little fairy land there, really dark and fascinating. The St. Peter's Dome route is NOT easy. |
Fast forward to this past weekend----
A nice little clearing for the powerline that gives a great view |
I am considering working on a special project with some of my students and so I wanted to check out some good hiking areas. 2 of the places suggested to me were Mount Ashwabay and I thought of Meyer's Beach, as well!!
Bayfield, Lake Superior and Madeline Island in the distance |
Our day began at Mount Ashwabay (our day actually began at Coco's North in Washburn, but that is just a fabulous bonus
) where we hiked around the trails around the ski hill. I am not sure if this is really much of a ski hill, or maybe it is a tubing hill..... It's not all that huge, but there is a tow rope, so there is that.
NO FILTER on these leaves- no edit, straight from the camera- there were amazing colors |
A phantom self portrait in an old abandoned shack on top of the ski hill |
The map and the trails were a bit confusing- we ended up never going where we thought. Which was fine- we hiked a bit over 3 miles and it was not SUPER tiring. There are ways to hike that aren't real steep, but we did hike up the hill...... which was tiring and steep. Going up was not bad, but once up there my fear of heights kicked in, and things were slightly more terrifying than I anticipated. It isn't really dangerous at all, just the appearance of a cliff which is an illusion.
Commercial break: enjoy the sights of Bayfield......
The Madeline docked, waiting for it's passengers |
Beautiful downtown Bayfield as seen from the dock |
Flapping flags and lovely trees- fall at it's finest |
Our next stop, after some fine coffee and a scone (THANK YOU Big Water Coffee Roasters), we drove up through the orchards and got some yummy apples again (remember this later) and headed up to the northern shore of Wisconsin. Last January we had been on this beach, frozen as it was, and I must say, this was a bit more comfortable.
Another season |
colder days |
The first thing order of business was to walk the beach pretty much as far we could before the beach disappeared and the caves began. Our goal, though, was to walk the trail above the Sea Caves. This trail begins deceptively easily- with a board walk for heavens sakes. It was pretty awesome.
Map of the sea caves hiking area |
Well after .7 miles, you lose the board walk and things get serious. It was very much like the Dome walk. Lots of BIG steps up, rocks, roots, up hills and down hills, over streams and wet areas... yep, hiking at it's best. I don't mind it, it is pretty fun in reality, but when you don't know what you are in for- well then it is interesting.
Ok, so remember that last trip? It was 80 that day, and we had some water?? It was about 45 Saturday- perfect hiking weather. And wouldn't one think that when you are hiking at not one but two different places that you would have some sort of liquid with?? Anything?? And maybe a snack??Especially since there was not only 2 water bottles in the car but also say there was- say here's an idea- APPLES FROM BAYFIELD. Now wouldn't that have been a portable wonderful thirst quencher?? My goodness. You'd think we were 12 year olds or something.
So we were a mite thirsty by the time we returned from our little journey.
Ah, yes, this was probably my last trip to Bayfield until the Book Across the Bay in February. It will be a different sight then, that is for sure.
Some of the caves |
A jut out over the lake |
This is just a glorious place to hike, but it takes a while! Not quite as tricky as St. Peter's Dome, but challenging all the same.
The weather is going to be getting colder and soon it will be snowing and icy. It is so nice to have gotten in another look at fall. Fall is so lovely and ours came fast and didn't stay too long. Apparently the lake moderates the weather and the leaves don't turn so fast in the farthest northern counties. Very good thing to know to make your autumn joys last longer.
Until next time, find your joys in unexpected ways!