Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Labor Day Already????

Good heavens, I cannot believe how much time has gotten away from me.  I am so behind in my blog and I have people clamoring for a new one!!  Well, maybe not so much, I had one kind person mention that he needed to see more photos. To me that IS a clamor.  Lol

I am going to put a few photos here this morning and attempt to update over the next day or so.

Besides the usual day to day life, school, and all, we are doing a bathroom reno.  Carpenter Joe is that is, but I have been assigned tile duty.  As you can imagine, this will be the subject of a post or two.  It's been a bit of a bumpy ride, but I see some smoother roads ahead.

Back to the pictures!

The first several are from Ashland a week ago and the clouds are from last weekend.  I love me a good cloud picture!  More to come!!

Until then picture yourself some joy!
Lake Superior

Little creek in Ashland

Old boat house by the oredock

Old garages by the oredock

Old Oredock, coming down

What a view!

Marina in Ashland


Looking out at one of the light houses

Amazing clouds


Wispy sunset

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