Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wedding Countdown ... 2 days

Oh my goodness people, I am tired.  I have no ability to post pix. I should be in bed!  But, I jumped on this train and now I feel like I need to ride it to the end.  If ya know what I mean.

So, I began the day by doing my final pick up of stuff around the house, I had my lovely friend come and clean the house, I rehemmed the wedding dress (which is a saga in itself), I grocery shopped, neatened up the deck, vacuumed the upstairs, played with dogs, did more miscellaneous stuff.....  OH, cut the ends off of a lot of flowers and put them in water.  Made supper, washed more dishes, talked way too much, lost the voice again.  Sigh.

At least I am not feeling quite so sick, but I am exhausted.  Greg and the dogs got here about 12:30, Sarah and Maggie will be  here soon, and Jon and Sarah will be here by noon tomorrow. Even the elusive Mike made an appearance!  I have veggies and fruit ready for snacking, along with a little bit of cookie action. I am ready as I ever will be.

Have yourself a good Friday everyone!  Until tomorrow, be a joy giver!

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