Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day...and balance

So it is Wednesday already and I am revving up for the end of the week.
 I will be going to visit my new granddaughter and I am super excited!!  It will be so nice to be able to see her and feel her and smell her baby smells and of course photos will be taken.  :)

May holds such promise in so many ways.  The more things change the more they stay the same may seem cliche, but it is true.  Things come and go from your life, but the cycle continues.  Good and bad, happy and sad, warm and cold, the opposites in life balance out and can give you great feelings of joy if you allow yourself to not be overwhelmed by the upsetting things.  Balance is key to life.

We can't balance out Mother Nature if she is determined this year to make up for the scary warm spring last year.  But the snow won't last forever and it makes us appreciate the warm days all the more intensely.  I know I will savor each warm day until the heat and humidity of the summer make me finally cave and complain.  But that will take some doing......

Of course seeing the new addition to the family is a promising event.  And we will get to see the Mad-Middle son and his lovely Sarah-Jane as well, so life will be good.  May is that transition time from spring to summer, and the kids tend to pack their bags to head north during the summer to our place a lot.  The grill will be going, the picnic table will be full of stuff and life will take place outside with the addition of sunscreen and mosquito dope.  I can just smell it now!  

I am back on a mini weight loss journey..... speaking of balance.  In spite of my best attempts, I put 4 pounds back on during the long late winter and now I have to take it off.  So as long as I am at it, I decided to go a little lower.  I know that my increase in activity outside will be the key to this loss, and I plan to be out there gardening and doing concrete and mosaic and other things that will keep me busy and occupied.  I try so hard to not let my weight be indicative of my self worth, but it is hard for me to escape that feeling.  A lot of odd things can pop up in my mind, but I know that I am still me, no matter how much I weigh, what I wear, what my tummy decides to do on any given way, and how much I exercise.  I want to be healthy, to take my fitness level up a notch yet, to get rid of that little extra around my waist that has stuck around, but I should not feel guilty and less than worth-while if I happen to take a rest day or find an alternate activity that doesn't give me quite as much calorie burn as the obsessed Mad-Art Teacher thinks she should have.  Yet, those little thoughts do occur to me, and I have to recognize them and then go on with life.  But still stick to the basic plan!  Balance.

So with this mini life post, I need to continue on with my day.  I need to get my healthy and slightly smaller lunch packed, dress for the unpredictable Wisconsin weather and ready myself for a good day.  Because if you assume you are going to have a good day, chances are you will look for the good in it and find it.  And ignore the annoying parts, and deal with the difficult parts.  Time to accept change, look for new ways to fulfill your goals and find the strength to do the hard things..... like not eat 6 or 7 pieces of dark chocolate!  Some things will always be a struggle.....  

AND I am looking forward to my daily Ella picture, because that is always a joy!  Just wait for the baby photo bombs to come!  

Until next time, be a joy giver and good good friend.


  1. Why is belly fat so much more dangerous than fat in
    other areas? Sadly, scientists are still looking for that
    answer. In the meantime, there are two popular theories
    circulating about. Take a look on:
    Do you want to reduce fat before summer?

    1. It isn't the dangers of "belly fat" that is the problem, it is the fact that this is the last place I lose it and the first place I gain it! It is bumming me out, because I see it as the last reminder of my former self and it sticks out when I don't want it to!! It is pure unadulterated vanity I guess. sigh.
