Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cold, snow, blah blah blah, it's winter

I've been watching the Today Show this morning, and I am amazed at what a big to-do and brouhaha that they (the media) are turning winter into.  For pity's sakes.  I am not sure where they all have been living, but last I checked our fair country HAS HAD cold weather and snow for quite some time now.  I think my irritation really escalated when the stupid Weather Channel started naming winter storms.  Don't be stupid.  It's snow.  And yes, it is cold.

Now that being said, I have been known to indulge in weather whining.  I understand how pathetic and ironic this all is.  LOL.  HOWEVER, unless you live up here, you just hush. (YOU probably don't have to drive into work in sub zero temps and then drive home in sub zero temps.... ) (Forgive my whining at any rate.)

 This sort of thing has been going on for a long time, folks.

If the weather holds up to what they are predicting, I will be going NO WHERE on Monday, which is fine with me.  Our high is supposed to be -18 after all, and I really don't have to leave the house.

Now, when I first moved up here back in 1980 (you know, the olden days.  LOL) I will NEVER forget coming home from a dance at the Legion hall (and lest you gasp, don't worry, the DH never did dance.)  or maybe it was a pork and dumpling dinner kind of thing, whatevs.  It was January of 1981 and we came home and it WAS cold.  I looked at the thermometer and there was no mercury in the little tube.  I said- FRED- there is no temperature!!  It was a maximum of -40.  Good grief. (This was not the first time I wondered WTF I was living up here and not the last either)  He said, guess we better put more wood on the fire....  yeah, we heated the first little house we lived in entirely with wood.  I think he got up a few times that night to put another few logs on the fire.  THANK HEAVEN that isn't the truth anymore.  Ugh.  And the entirety of northern Wisconsin went on about their business without the Weather Channel alarming us to the dangers of frost bite in minutes, because we knew it.  Because of the fact we live in the midwest.

Yeah, so that is my observation for the morning.  I am going to get moving soon go to the grocery store before the rest of the world does, because I plan to do some cooking this weekend and also on Monday!  :) But before that I am going to hit the snow-shoe trail at least twice today, because already tomorrow that won't be happening..... as it is winter and there is a cold front coming and I don't even need to name it!  Since I live in the midwest and it's winter!!!  hehehe

And so this weekend, ALL of YOU ALL stay so warm and safe and toasty.  It is supposed to be a nasty one for an awful lot of us and I want the joy of saying hi to you again on Tuesday!


  1. Yes...I too have been stunned by the "no temperature" thermometers. Stay warm DebiO!

  2. I guess it was a gradual change, but I've been aware of how the 'media' (news) turns so much of reporting into entertainment...or sensationalizing the news...or worse yet to me, our governments activity. I search around for a news provider that I feel better about overall, but I haven't really found one. I'm going to do some cooking this weekend, too, but I am still searching for a slow cooker lentils recipe that jumps out at me!

    1. I do like Huff post, they seem to be pretty good, but I am not a "newsie" person
      Look for a blog post just for you Phil! :)

  3. If you get too cold, I have a spot for you on my sofa here in sunny California...our highs are in the 60s this week.
