Ok, kids,
(oops I am not supposed to say that, apparently it is condescending sounding to some, but to me it sounds humorous and inclusive, so there is that!)
Oh poor poor Lola |
I know I have not been on line much lately. Well that is not true, I have been online, but not on the blog. This blog is a place where I release some inner conversations and lately those discussions have been in closed session. I will talk about some of it coming up in the next few days/weeks.
BUT I have been neglecting my photography a bit, for a variety of reasons, but I downloaded and edited last night after a good 5.6 mile walk. I still have time on my hands as the MA is slaving away at work, but the end of that is near. YAY. As much as I like alone time, it gets old after a while when he doesn't get home until 9:30.
Momma to be SarahJane with the doggies making a snow fort |
So I have a variety of pix from long past snowy to more recent. Pix of all sorts of things from baby showers to sunflowers and things in between. It was FUN to do this last night, but again I am running out of room on my disc, so I have to figure out the whole external hard drive thing ASAP.
Ella Bella and their posse |
This first group, though, is more people sorts of things.
Next post is the landscapes and such.
Sleepy girl with Grandpa |
Grandpa ruining pancakes for Ella by giving her syrupified ones! LOL
Suddenly pancakes can not be unadorned. At least she like REAL syrup.
Full disclosure: Grandma gave her cake for the first time. oops |
This seems to be a tad Ella heavy, but I didn't think anyone would complain. AND pretty soon she will have a spotlight to share when we welcome our little Grandboy into the family!! Little Greggy is coming within the next month and this is SO exciting and SOOO much fun.
Next up some outdoorsy pix....
Hope this is adding a little joy to your life. :) It sure has to mine!
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