Sunday, March 22, 2015

Desperately seeking sleep, and spring and other elusive things.....

I am sitting here (when I started this that is) at 6:30 in the am wondering how in the heck I find myself checking my powerball numbers (no bueno) and sitting in the dark instead of sleeping.  Sort of the story of my sleep life lately, either I am awake a long time (which is fairly typical) or I wake up by one means or another early in the morning (sigh), or a more recent occurrence-  become awake at 3 in the am and then not get back to sleep.  I really do need someone to lock me in a room with sedatives and/or margaritas and a pillow and keep me there for a few days.  Shove some food under the door but don't for heavens sakes wake me up at 6 am.  Ah well.

So the play is almost complete, and it has been a really good one.  A few minor glitches here and there that ALWAYS happen, but it has been a powerful synergy of fun.  The costumes are gorgeous (rented specialty costumes are the way to go!) and the lighting is spot on!  (HAHAHA)  We have been really working together so so well, and that doesn't always happen.  It has been a special group of kids to work with!  

My stagecrew members are almost all first timers with a couple putting in their second year.  This is somewhat unusual, as most years I have a few 3 or 4 years experienced kids.  This causes a small set of problems that involve them worrying all around me while I continuously tell them that this is an easy play to change.  Don't worry, it'll be fine!! They do believe me now.  They get so worked up about things sometimes.  And then they miss some of my best jokes!!   Not yesterday though!  Last night when intermission hit we had to get the ship off stage.  There are a lot of pieces/parts to it, so it takes a lot of the kids to do it.   We safely got all the sea-life off stage,  and I walked out into the middle (these things pop into my head, no fore-planning) turned and looked and said ok, we need to move the ship- ALL HANDS ON DECK! HAHAHA! Oh I was on fire last night!!  There were more but that one was fun.  Most of them laughed, but I may have seen an eyeroll.  I guess you had to be there. I told them that is what they get when the art teacher gets to take a nap!! 

Sunday performance is the most relaxed and sometimes a little unscripted.  It used to really worry me  because people have been known to get carried away.  Since I feel responsible for what goes on during the performances, for the most part, I remind them that there are people seeing it for the first time.  We don't want to ruin the integrity of the play, I feel sometimes like I am no fun in that regard.  Some visual jokes are ok, but......   You know what I mean.  So they have fun and I spend a lot of time monitoring the undertones.  And speaking with some prime suspects during makeup sessions.  I think we will be good, though.

So, I would like to say that spring has unnecessarily teased us with her warmth and now- what gives here Missy!  I have a spring weekend to enjoy and the high yesterday was like 31*.  COME ON!!!  You can do better than that.  I wanted to go for a walk this morning and it is 21.  Seriously.  I'll probably go anyway, but I refuse to wear multiple layers.  SPEAKING of spring- a certain partner in all things hiking and Bayfield and Washburn and photography and I just MAY be planning a day trip- soon very very soon.  And we don't care what the temperature is or if it wants to snow or whatever.  Take that spring!

In spring's defense, though, for the time being the snow is almost gone, and my daffodils have peeked their little heads up to see if it is safe.  I told them to hunker down for a little bit, not quite warm enough for them.  It is so nice to see bits of green!  I need to go out and chat with Lola too- I miss taking her photo every day.

With the end of the play upon me, I suddenly have time after school.  The 3rd quarter is up on Friday, so I will have a lot of things to do for that.  AND I certainly need to spend time in my art rooms catching up.  I may go as far as to go home, walk and then go back to school like I did in years gone by....  We shall see.  But I need to spend time in my room organizing and (pretend your aren't reading this anyone of you who feels the need to tell me no all the time) climbing around and putting things away on all the  high shelves that I haven't been able to get to.  I need a minimum of 3 sessions, one for each of the rooms I have.  Then I have to change the display cases and probably prepare for an art show or two.  SO much to do in my rooms.  I have kept up with the necessities, but now I need to dig in deeper.

It would be nice to sleep before all of that is accomplished tho!  I see some amazing cloud formations outside, the pictures are asking to be captured.  I can feel a need that has to be satisfied here and pronto.  I quick walk to the flowage might just be in order- 21 degrees or not.  Because I can, and I know that simple things like walks are not always guaranteed.

Take advantage of your opportunities when you can and alway always be a joy giver!!

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