I have been known to set myself up for disappointment at times. I expect things to be perfect and every one happy and I will get great gifts and people will be loving the ones I gave them- yes I am talking to you Christmas! I generally prefer Thanksgiving because I definitely can cook, and that is really all any one really wants is a yummy meal and pie for heavens sakes. Pie. For. Days. I actually have the remains of a pie in my frig- apple/cranberry and that is a definite yes sort of a pie!
Morning light + fog + a few bright leaves+ a deer= typical wisconsin |
So here I am at 4:46 on a day when I really could be sleeping in, but no. No my brain has been doing stupid things when it comes to sleeping and it was awake. I even did a little weightlifting and then walked 6 plus miles yesterday, did yard work and everything..... one would think one would sleep well. But one would be wrong. My mind was twitchy last night and I am not sure why.
From the downtown LaCrosse area just off the Mississippi |
Anyway, I am getting off track and I am actually writing this about the last day of Daylight Savings Time. We all know everyone is going to complain about it and trying to get their sleep schedule back and all, especially in April (raises hand) (is it April??) when we lose that hour. But boy this is a nice day. It doesn't hurt that the unnaturally warm weather will let me do what I want outside.
I know I am sort of on an island about this, but I really really love the way the day sort of drags on. It is Sunday and the weekend and we all are needing a little tiny bit longer weekend. I know I do!
The river walk in Lacrosse is so beautiful |
This year is intense- my days at school go so fast and everyone needs everything now. Everyone is impatient. It seems rare for me to be able to sit back or lean on a table and chit chat with the kids.... and this week I have a thing that I have to do with a few of my student's artwork and it must be done by basically Thursday night. Color me annoyed, lets just put it that way.
But things come up that are interesting and unexpected and that keeps me thinking and challenged and that is perfect.
So I am going to go sip my coffee and read a book and enjoy a little extra time doing not a whole lot of anything.... And here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.
I was quite taken with the beautiful bridge that goes over the Mississippi |
Enjoy your Sunday! I like to treat this day like a snowy- purely (well, mostly) for things I
want to do. And that will be a joy....
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